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KS4 Curriculum

Our Key Stage 4 students in Years 10 and 11 follow the core academic subjects of English literature and English language, maths and combined science alongside subjects which deliver technical knowledge and practical learning, through which they will also work with local employers on projects using industry-standard equipment within our Design, Build, and Innovate programmes. Students also have the option to choose a third science, art or humanities GCSE, and a BTEC option in ICT or Business to complete their Level 2 set of qualifications.

GCSE Curriculum Offer

All students will follow a core curriculum of 5 GCSE’s in English, Mathematics and Science:

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Core Science
  • Additional Science.

Students will also be able to choose four options subjects from below:

  • History
  • Geography
  • Design Technology
  • Art
  • Business
  • Introductory Construction
  • Performing Arts
  • Spanish
  • Art
  • Photography
  • Computer Science
  • Music
  • Sport
  • Triple Science
  • Religious Education
  • Construction.

In addition to their GCSE and BTEC qualifications, all students will follow these programmes:

  • UTC Extra – our programme of extra-curricular activities, sport and intervention.
  • Core PE – One compulsory session a week of fitness activities.
  • PSHE – Personal, Social and Health Education.

In Years 10 and 11 students will further develop their skills and knowledge in preparation for GCSEs and full-participation in employer-led projects.

Biology Road Map
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Build Road Map
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Business Road Map
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Chemistry Road Map
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Computer Science Road Map
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Design Road Map
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Digital Information Technology Road Map
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Drama Road Map
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English Road Map
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Enterprise Road Map
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History Road Map
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Humanities Road Map
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Mathematics Road Map
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Modern Foreign Languages Road Map
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Music Road Map
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Physical Education Road Map
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Physics Road Map
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Religious Education Road Map
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