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Emotional Wellbeing & Equality


Protected Characteristics Policy
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Equality Objectives Policy
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Public Sector Equality Duty Policy
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Important Links

The Following websites provide support for young people and their parents around a whole range of wellbeing and support subjects.

Young Minds (children and young people's mental health charity)
View Page
Child Exploitation and Online Protection
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Let's stop abuse together
View Page
Parents Guide For Talking To Your Child About Online Sexual Harassment
View Page
Child Bereavement UK
View Page
Childline (0800 1111)
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Kooth (free, safe and anonymous support for young people)
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Papyrus (Prevention of young suicide)
View Page
Hope Again (0808 808 1677)
View Page
The Proud Trust (support for LGBT+ young people and their parents)
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Wolverhampton 360 (drugs and alcohol support)
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Child Bereavement App
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Grief (App)
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