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Useful Documents & Policies

Accessibility Policy
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Admissions Policy 2024
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Anti-Bullying Strategy and STOP Approach
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Attendance Policy
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Capability of Staff Policy
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Catch Up and Intervention Programme 2022-2023
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CCTV Policy
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Cyber Security Policy
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ECT Induction Policy
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Equality Objectives Policy
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Evacuation Policy
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Fire Alarm Policy
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Lockdown Policy
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Premises Management Policy
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Remote Learning Policy
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Safeguarding Learners on Educational Visits
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Teaching and Learning Policy
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TTMAT Whistleblowing Policy
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Behaviour Policy
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Charging & Remissions Policy
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Complaints Procedure Policy
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Equal Opportunities Policy
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Online Safety Policy
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Exam Contingency Plan
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Examinations Policy
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Exclusion Policy
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First Aid Policy
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Health and Safety Policy
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Non-Examination Assessment (NEA) Policy
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PSHE/Relationship and Sex Education Policy Statement
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Safeguarding and Allegations of Abuse against Staff Policy
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Safeguarding Policy
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Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy/Statement
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Sexting (youth produced sexual imagery) Policy
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SEND Information Report
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Staff Code of Conduct Policy
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Whistleblowing Policy
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Low Level Concern Policy
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Website Cookie Policy
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Uniform Policy
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The Proprietor of the Thomas Telford UTC is the ‘Thomas Telford Multi Academy Trust’.

The Trust’s registered office is:
Thomas Telford School
Old Park

Company Registration Number: 4798185 (England)


Thomas Telford UTC utilises the TTMAT GDPR and Data Protection Policies, these can be found here.