Thomas Telford UTC is part of the Thomas Telford Multi Academy Trust (TTMAT) , established in September 2017. The MAT currently consists of four secondary schools: Thomas Telford UTC, Madeley Academy, Sandwell Academy and Walsall Academy, and one primary school: Redhill Primary Academy.
TTMAT has a unique flat management structure that provides the Headteachers of each Academy with the autonomy, independence and accountability to take full responsibility for running their Academy. TTMAT has established a small management team that has been set up to provide advice and support and ensure that through effective communication and collaboration opportunities to work together serve the collective efforts to further raise standards.
The key aim for TTMAT is to provide academic environments where students have the opportunity to achieve their personal best and where individual talents, in all forms, can be maximised.
You can visit the TTMAT Site at
TTMAT Contact Details (
See how the Thomas Telford Mutli Academy Trust has been beneficial to the development of the UTC and our students.