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Examination Information

Welcome to the examinations and assessment information page for Thomas Telford UTC! Here you can find all the necessary information about the exams and assessments that take place at our school. We know that exams can be a stressful time for students, but we are here to provide you with all the tools you need to prepare for and succeed in your assessments.

Our page includes everything from exam timetables and regulations to useful revision resources. We are committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential, and we provide support and guidance throughout the exam period to help you feel confident and prepared. Take a look and start preparing for exam success today!

Exam and Assessment Documents to Read

Information for candidates – coursework – 2023 – 2024
Download File
Information for candidates – non examination assessments 2023 – 2024
Download File
Information for candidates – on-screen tests 2023 – 2024
Download File
Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice 2022 – 2023
Download File
Information for Candidates - Social Media 2022 - 2023
Download File
Information for candidates – written exams 2023 – 2024
Download File
Preparing to Sit Exams
Download File
Word Processor in Exams Policy
Download File
Exam Contingency Plan
Download File
Examinations Policy
Download File
Assessment Malpractice and Maladministration
Download File
Conflict of Interest Policy
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BTEC Assessment and Internal Verification Policy
Download File